
Telegraph Forms New Club To Woo Business Readers

Telegraph Forms New Club To Woo Business Readers

The Daily Telegraph has announced the creation of a new Business Club section to attract new readers and bolster its appeal amongst chief executives of small and medium sized companies.

The move will see The Telegraph Business Club launching on 11 May with a double page spread in the business section of The Daily Telegraph, as well as with a dedicated website at www.telegraphbusinessclub.co.uk.

The paper claims that its club will help medium sized businesses increase their profits, as well as providing them with editorial support from the newspaper. The database of club members will be made available to sponsors of the section, enabling them to target their products and services directly at those open to suggestion and uptake of such products.

The Telegraph Business Club will feature as a double page spread every other Tuesday. Already named as partners in the venture are HSBC, internet service provider, Demon, accountancy software firm, Sage and the Department of Trade and Industry. Sponsorship to date is believed to be worth approximately £750,000.

Commenting on the initiative, Chris White-Smith, group sales director for Telegraph Group Ltd, said: “The immediate success of the Business Club is supported by three high profile sponsors and we anticipate that the number of sponsors will increase as the club’s success is affirmed. This opportunity for business sponsors and readers alike is unprecedented. We see this business audience as one which we want to attract to the paper and see it as a route to increased circulation in the future.”

Last month saw The Telegraph launch a drive to boost sales amongst business professionals with a widespread taxi and outdoor advertising campaign. The campaign targeted readers with the now familiar “Read a best-seller every day” strapline inside taxis, on taxi receipts and across a series of 48-sheet and 96-sheet billboards (see Telegraph Hails Start Of Taxi Advertising Campaign).

The latest ABC results for the six months to March 2004 reveal less than impressive news for both the Daily and Sunday Telegraph, which saw their circulation decline by 3.7% and 6.7% respectively in year on year analysis.

Telegraph Group: 020 7538 5000 www.telegraph.co.uk

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