
Telegraph Secures Wella To Sponsor Advertorial

Telegraph Secures Wella To Sponsor Advertorial

The Daily Telegraph has secured Wella as the exclusive sponsor of a full-colour advertorial as part of a wider six-month marketing drive to promote the hair-care brand.

The deal will see a special eight-page advertorial appear in the Daily Telegraph magazine on Saturday 13 March, representing the first time that the brand has advertised with the newspaper group.

Wella will also run two pre-promotional mono adverts on fashion editor Hilary Alexander’s column pages the week before the advertorial is published. The deal was secured by Dorota Key, strategic planner in the Telegraph Group’s commercial development department.

The hair-care brand is currently undertaking an extensive advertising campaign called Trend Vision 04 during the first half of this year. The initiative includes a Wella-branded double decker bus, sponsorship at London Fashion Week and a hairdressing competition.

Commenting on the deal, Kevin Arkell, corporate communications manager at Wella UK, said: “Telegraph magazine was our first choice because of its cutting-edge fashion and trends content. With the added endorsement of the UK’s most renowned fashion editor Hilary Alexander, this partnership ensured everyone was talking about Wella Trend Vision.”

Earlier this month the Telegraph Group secured River Island Clothing Company to sponsor a forthcoming fashion supplement, which the paper claims will be its biggest ever. Several elite fashion houses will advertise within the supplement including: Louis Vuitton, Prada and Chanel (see Telegraph Fashions Sponsorship Deal With River Island).

The latest ABC results for January suggest the new compact editions of the Independent and the Times are denting the growth of other broadsheet titles. The Daily Telegraph remained virtually static with a nominal 0.3% month on month increase to 914,981 and the Guardian only managed a modest 2.2% month on month rise during January to 383,157 (see ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2004).

Telegraph Group: 020 7538 5000 www.telegraph.co.uk

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