
Television Viewing Round-Up – July 2008

Television Viewing Round-Up – July 2008

People Watching TV All of the main terrestrial channels recorded a year on year decline in viewing share according to the July figures, with the exception of BBC One, which increased its share by 0.5 percentage points year on year.

Other channels saw a year on year increase in viewing share of 2.3 percentage points.

All Viewing

BBC One enjoyed a viewing share increase of 0.5 percentage points, giving it a total share 21.5%, ahead of all the other main terrestrial channels.

The latest series of cop show New Tricks started on BBC One in July, and brought with it impressive viewing figures (see New Tricks Races Ahead With 8 Million Viewers).

ITV1’s viewing share dropped by 1.2 percentage points year on year in July, leaving it with a total share of 17.3%.

There was a slight dip in BBC Two’s viewing, down by 0.4 percentage points, to leave its total at 8.1%.

Channel 4’s viewing share fell by 1.4 percentage points year on year in July, leaving it with a total share of 7.8%.

Five was down 0.6 percentage points, giving it a total share of just 4.6%.

However, other channels were up by 2.3 percentage points year on year, to 39.8%.

Digital Viewing

In digital homes, BBC One and BBC Two both enjoyed increases in viewing share, up 1.3 and 0.2 percentage points respectively.

BBC One now has a 20.1% share in digital homes, while BBC Two’s is 7.1%.

ITV1, Channel 4 and Five’s viewing share all fell year on year in digital homes.

ITV1 dipped the most, falling 1.0 percentage point, leaving it with a total of 15.8%.

Channel 4 was down 0.9 percentage points, while Five dropped 0.3 percentage points in digital homes, giving them totals of 7.2% and 4.4% respectively.

Other channels dipped very slightly, losing 0.1 percentage point year on year, leaving them with a total share of 44.6%.

Data to form this report can be found in the Television database on mediatel.co.uk within the “Weekly – Analysis by Platform” section. For any assistance please contact the helpdesk on 020 7439 7575.

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