
Television Viewing Round-Up – July 2009

Television Viewing Round-Up – July 2009


Five’s viewing share increased 0.4 percentage points in July, according to the latest TV viewing figures.

BBC One also managed a year on year percentage point increase, albeit a smaller one.

There was not such good news for Channel 4 and ITV1, however, with both channels seeing a year on year fall in share of viewing.

All Viewing

Five’s viewing share hit 5% following its year on year increase, with solid performances from shows such as the CSI franchise and The Hotel Inspector.

BBC One’s viewing share stands at 21.6%, buoyed by the success of returning drama The Street

There was a year on year fall of 1.3 percentage points for ITV1, leaving its total viewing share at 16%, while Channel 4 was down by the same figure, leaving it at 6.5%.

Other channels were up 2.8 percentage points year on year overall, to a 42.7% viewing share.

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Digital Viewing

Five enjoyed a 0.4 percentage point increase in digital homes, giving it a 4.8% share.

BBC One was also up by 0.4 percentage points in digital homes, taking its share to 20.5%.

With a decrease of 0.9 percentage points year on year, ITV1 now has a 14.9% viewing share in digital homes.

Down 1.1 percentage points, Channel 4’s viewing share has fallen to 6.1%.

Other channels, meanwhile, rose 0.4 percentage points year on year in digital homes, to 46.2%

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Data to form this report can be found in the Television database on mediatel.co.uk within the “Weekly – Analysis by Platform” section.
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