
‘Telling the Truth’ authors at Bucks New University

‘Telling the Truth’ authors at Bucks New University

Vic Davies

Mediacom’s CSO Sue Unerman and top brand strategist Jonathan Salem Baskin promoted their new book Tell the Truth: How Honesty is Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool as part of the launch of Bucks New University’s new advertising society ‘AdSoc’ last week.

The authors gave a talk and held a question-and-answer session with students and staff, as well as invited guests of the University’s Clare Business School.

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Senior Lecturer Vic Davies said: “We already have very good on-going relationships with the industry via teaching staff – and via our growing alumni working in agencies – but Bucks AdSoc will provide a forum that is managed and run by students and they will set its agenda. This first event is a great start and the students have already got some great ideas for future events.”

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