The ‘poshest’ brands online: LinkedIn, Pizza Express & BA

Websites for business media, eating and travel attract the highest concentration of elite Brits, according to UKOM and Nielsen.
In February 2011, LinkedIn, Pizza Express and British Airways had the highest proportion of online visitors from social-grade A.
Heading the list was business social network LinkedIn. Visitors to its site from home or work computers were 88% more likely to be from social-grade A than visitors to the average site (giving it an index of 188).
Travel sites also dominate the list. In February, of the brands visited online by the highest concentration of elite people, eight of the top 20 were travel-related. British Airways, Transport for London, Virgin Travel & Tourism, the AA, National Rail, TripAdvisor, EasyJet and Expedia all featured among the sites attracting the most high-flying audiences.
Source: UKOM/Nielsen, Feb 2011
Dividing the ‘social-grade A’ audience by gender, shows marked differences between men and women. Sites for business, gaming and humour head the list of brands attracting the highest concentration of elite men, while sites for shopping, travel and health lead the equivalent list for elite women.
Web brands with the highest concentration of unique UK male visitors from social group ‘A’ include LinkenIn, Party Poker and CollegeHumor Network, while brands attracting the highest concentration of unique female visitors from social group ‘A’ include ASOS, TripAdvisor, My VoucherCodes and John Lewis.