
The Sun on Sunday: Agency Views

The Sun on Sunday: Agency Views

The Sun On Sunday, maybe...

In light of today’s announcement that News International will launch The Sun on Sunday this weekend, Newsline gathered thoughts from two leading media agencies.

It was only Friday that it was confirmed to News International journalists that The Sun on Sunday would launch ‘very soon’.

Here’s the thoughts of some agency press departments:

Monday, 20 February 2012, 11:13 GMT
  1. Were you surprised by the timing and speed of the launch?
    Not surprised as always thought Murdoch and his team would take advantage of the momentum created by the news story this weekend – they know more than most how quickly a story gets replaced by news…
  2. Does a 7-day Sun bring anything new to the advertising proposition?
    It is a very good news story for the Press market as anyone being prepared to invest millions in this sector screams that the numbers offered and delivered on a daily basis are recognised as still hugely compelling to advertisers.
  3. Can you see this bringing new revenue to the market or just moving existing revenue around?
    I imagine it will simply allow them to pitch in 2012 for access to the budgets currently being lost on a Sunday over what is going to be a very large year for advertisers in the UK.
  4. What would you anticipate a settle-down circulation to be for the new title?
    We estimate 1.5-2m as a settle down figure.
Vanessa Doyle
Press Director
Monday, 20 February 2012, 09:48 GMT
  1. Were you surprised by the timing and speed of the launch?
    Yes, we all knew the title was in the pipeline but it is a very quick launch. I am intrigued to see how they go about selling the space and the more technical aspects such as printing and distribution.
    It’s no surprise that it’s launching in time for the Euro’s, Olympics and Jubilee. These will be key sales periods for national press.
  2. Does a 7-day Sun bring anything new to the advertising proposition?
    Sun on Sunday has to be viewed as a new title and proposition. It’s not just a rehash of the NOTW. NOTW was a heritage brand which readers had built a relationship with over time. Sun on Sunday will have to work hard to attract both lapsed readers and readers that moved to other publications.
  3. Can you see this bringing new revenue to the market or just moving existing revenue around?
    I would like to think that any new launch will bring revenue to the market but it depends on both clients and agencies to make this happen.
  4. What would you anticipate a settle-down circulation to be for the new title?
    Too early to say. I think Murdoch will be striving for the same circulation as NOTW.
Amy King
Head of Press Investment
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