
The Times launches new membership scheme

The Times launches new membership scheme

The Times

The Times and The Sunday Times are set to launch a new membership scheme in a bid to retain customers and generate direct revenue streams.

Times+ will give members access to exclusive events, offers, gifts and rewards that reflects readers’ interests, according to the newspapers’ parent company News International.

The new scheme, which will be open to everyone at a charge of £50 a year but is complimentary to subscribers of the two titles, follows on from Culture+, a similar programme that focuses on arts and entertainment, which has attracted 90,000 members in the one year since it launched.

James Harding, editor of The Times, said: “We have the most varied, passionate and interesting readers. Times+ will bring those passions and interests to life. I am delighted we are able to give readers the opportunity to become part of the family of The Times.”

John Witherow, editor of The Sunday Times, added: “The success of Culture+ has shown us that readers trust us to deliver what they want. Our greatest asset is our content. Times+ enables us to offer readers the chance to get even more out of the sections of the paper that they most value.”

In addition to member benefits, Times+ will also give members access to one of its associated specialist packs, Culture+ or the new Travel+.  More packs are expected to be added over the next 12 months.

Katie Vanneck-Smith, manager director of Customer Direct at News International, added: “Times+ gives us the opportunity to redefine further our relationship with our readers and to reward their loyalty. We are moving away from the traditional model of volume in favour of developing more direct relationships with our customers based on their interests and passions.”

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