
The Times numbers to feature on NRS PADD despite paywall

The Times numbers to feature on NRS PADD despite paywall

News International’s Times audience data (behind the paywall) will be measured by the NRS’ new fusion project with Nielsen, according to Mike Ironside, chief executive of the National Readership Survey, speaking to MediaTel Newsline this afternoon.

At this morning’s Future of National Newspapers event, Ironside had suggested that the paywall data might be available at a later date, but, based on this update, it seems it will be available when the NRS PADD launches this autumn.

The NRS PADD will provide combined print and website audience data. NRS data will be fused with Nielsen’s new hybrid data, which will be launched by the end of May.

Three issues of the NRS fusion data will be launched before Christmas, with mobile and tablet data coming next. However, Ironside explained that the project could change in 2013 depending on whether NRS continues to work with Nielsen or changes to comScore (or decides to work with both).

The panel were very positive about the NRS fusion project. Vanessa Doyle, head of press and cinema at Initiative Media, said the new data would “be a good thing” for agencies, while Mark Finney, head of client sales at Guardian News & Media, said it offered “greater transparency”.

News International’s commercial director Dominic Carter explained that the new data will also enable more efficient selling.

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