
thelondonpaper’s Circulation Stays Ahead Of London Lite

thelondonpaper’s Circulation Stays Ahead Of London Lite

Man Reading A Paper thelondonpaper remained ahead of the London Lite in November, with a total circulation of almost 496,000.

It recorded a month on month rise of 300 copies, while the London Lite‘s circulation fell by almost 500 copies over the same period, leaving its circulation at more than 400,500.

The Evening Standard was down by around 550 copies month on month, taking its circulation to almost 292,000.

The morning business freesheet City AM was also marginally down, by around 100 copies, giving it a circulation of just under 100,500.

Meanwhile, the Metro suffered a downturn of over 800 copies last month. Its total now stands at more than 745,900.

Title Audit Oct-07 Nov-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 100,576 100,486 -90 -0.1
Metro (London) BDP 746,758 745,942 -816 -0.1
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 292,544 291,991 -553 -0.2
London Lite BDP 400,993 400,513 -480 -0.1
thelondonpaper BDP 495,650 495,950 300 0.1
Total London Papers   1,189,187 2,034,882 845,695 71.1

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