
Thinkbox launches free research events

Thinkbox launches free research events

Thinkbox Logo Thinkbox, the marketing body for the main UK commercial broadcasters, is launching a series of free research events examining how TV advertising works for specific advertising categories.

Each event will draw on the latest research by Thinkbox and the wider marketing industry into how TV advertising achieves success for specific markets.

This includes insights drawn from Thinkbox’s two Payback studies with PricewaterhouseCoopers, its Me-TV research examining online TV and its joint research study with the IAB looking at how TV and online advertising work together.

Alongside Thinkbox research, the events will include analysis of industry research including IPA Touchpoints, BARB, Screen Digest and Nielsen’s Ad Dynamics.

The series begins on 29 July with ‘Cars on TV’, which will examine how TV works for the car market.

David Brennan, Thinkbox’s research and strategy director, said: “TV advertising works for every category but generally when we present our research we have focused more on the bigger picture of what TV advertising achieves in general.

“These events drill down much deeper into the wealth of insight we have gained about how TV works for specific categories. We’re offering much more focused and tailored advice on how and why different sectors should use the host of TV advertising opportunities at their disposal.”

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