
Third Of UK Homes To Have Digital Radio By 2008

Third Of UK Homes To Have Digital Radio By 2008

New forecasts from the Digital Radio Development Bureau predict a massive boom in popularity for DAB digital radio, rising by a staggering 1200% from around one million sets currently in British homes to 13 million by 2008.

The DRDB’s Five-Year DAB Digital Radio Forecast predicts that around 29% of British homes will posses a digital radio by 2008, with the increased choice in listening and superb sound quality drawing a steady stream of adopters to the new technology.

DRDB Chairman, Ralph Bernard, explained the reasons for the forecast as well as its findings. He said: “As DAB digital radio edges closer to mass-market penetration, and the government moots the possibility of analogue switch-off, the DRDB Board feels the time is right to publish this market forecast. We are confident that the result is a considered and realistic projection showing that by 2008, DAB digital radio penetration will have reach 29% of British homes.”

The report also reveals that by 2008 the annual market value for DAB digital radio will be worth around £500 million across all product segments, representing an increase of almost 450% on the 2004 market value of around £90 million.

While the DRDB forecasts large growth in DAB equipped boomboxes, hi-fi systems and clock radios, it also predicts a huge increase in in-car DAB radio. According to the DRDB, most growth will result from an increase in factory fitted DAB equipment by major car manufacturers, rising from a mere 3,000 units in 2004 to 645,000 units in 2008.

Car giant Vauxhall recently became the first manufacturer to launch a family car with DAB digital radio as standard in Britain, fuelling hopes of a surge in popularity for the equipment, as well as the expansion of audiences to include those on the move – a prime listenership group for the majority of radio stations (see Vauxhall To Fit DAB Digital Radios As Standard).

The new predictions will give hope to those pushing for an analogue radio switch off date from Ofcom. The media super-regulator recently warned that it will not be rushed into setting a definite switch-off date, claiming that setting a date too early could make the transition to digital less achievable for the majority of radio companies (see Ofcom In No Rush To Set Switch-Off Date For Radio).

DRDB: 020 7306 2630 www.drdb.org

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