
Thoughts On Media 360: JICIMS Called Into Question

Thoughts On Media 360: JICIMS Called Into Question

Media 360 Logo If a panel of advertisers at Media 360 is to be believed, the media search industry needs to call a halt to at least one new initiative.

“The old metrics of reach and frequency are becoming less relevant, we will move away from these,” said Rick Jones, former head of channel marketing, Camelot Group. “The digital industry does not need reach and frequency because targeting will make these less relevant.”

Bad news it would seem for the IPA and IAB who are investing in JICIMS currently, a project to ensure there is a consistent audience base for online advertising, thus ensuring there can be reach and frequency measurements.

Maybe the answer is more in line with the recent MediaTel Future of Research panel that expressed a desire to see the key metrics maintained but built on.

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