
Top 15 Markets Pull Down US Radio Ad Revenues, Return To Growth Predict For 2002

Top 15 Markets Pull Down US Radio Ad Revenues, Return To Growth Predict For 2002

US radio advertising revenue remained weak in October, according to new figures from the US Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). Local sales figures for October fell 6% year on year, while national spend was down 15% and the combined total was down 8%.

In the year-to-date, local figures dropped 4% during the first ten months of 2001, whilst national revenue fell 19%; again, the combined year-to-date total was down 8%.

The deterioration is concentrated on the 15 largest markets in the US, according to the Bureau, and it is these markets that are showing a poorer performance. Below the top 15, radio is performing ‘reasonably well’, says Gary Fries, CEO at the RAB.

The top 15 markets saw year-to-date local declines of 7%, whilst national was down 24% and combined is down 12%. When the figures are indexed against 1998, though, the performance does not look so weak, with year-to-date local at 126.9, national at 114.0 and combined at 125.0 (where 1998 figures are equal to 100).

Oct 2000 vs Oct 2001  YoY Jan-Oct 2001 
Local Revenue 
All Markets -0.1 All Markets -0.0
Local Sales Index 110.2 Local Sales Index 126.9
National Revenue 
All Markets -0.2 All Markets -0.2
National Sales Index 102.5 National Sales Index 114.0
Local & National Revenue 
All Markets -0.1 All Markets -0.1
Combined Sales Index 108.8 Combined Sales Index 125.0
Source: Radio Advertising Bureau (US), 18/12/01 

Early indications are that November is stronger than last year, particularly in local sales. However, the year is expected to end 8% down overall. For 2002, Fries predicts that national will remain flat while local rebounds to end the year up 4%; the combined total for 2003 is forecast to be up 3%.

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