
Traditional Advertisers Turn To The Web

Traditional Advertisers Turn To The Web

Large, traditional advertisers are embracing the internet for their campaigns in a trend that could provide a significant boost for the online advertising sector.

According to a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings, the top 100 US traditional advertisers accounted for over 30% of online ads by the end of 2002, as measured by ad impressions. This is up from a share of just 15% in January 2000.

Brands like AOL, Volvo, Hertz and Disney have all increased their use of online advertising, with many marketers now including online as a standard component in a campaign.

“No longer dominated by the smaller dotcom companies, traditional business-model advertisers are staking their claim,” said Charles Buchwalter, vice president of client analytics at Nielsen//NetRatings. “This increased usage by the heavy hitters of advertising clearly signals their recognition of the validity of the internet as an effective ad medium,” he says.

Rich media ads Research from Nielsen//NetRatings’ Ad Relevance survey also shows that the large advertisers are more likely to experiment with different ad formats.

New technologies like Flash are offering advertisers new rich media options, which have been garnering support over the last few years, according to Nielsen.

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