
Trial Switchover A Success Says Government

Trial Switchover A Success Says Government

TV Transmitter The Government has published its report on the trial digital switchover which took place in Wales earlier this year, hailing the exercise a success in preparation for a national switchover by 2012.

The report focuses on the cessation of analogue broadcasts in the Welsh villages of Ferryside and Llansteffan, which took place in March, a move which saw nearly 500 homes forcibly switched to digital technology in order to continue their TV viewing (see First Welsh Villages To Drop Analogue TV Tonight).

However, the Governmental report concludes that the process saw healthy adoption of digital broadcasting by those residents affected by the switch, with “no major transmission issues” encountered.

According to the report, filed by the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), 81% of trial participants were able to install their own digital equipment, without help from the trial team. The report highlighted the importance of friends and neighbours in the switchover process, with skills shared between households playing a large role in the smooth transition to digital.

Acceptance of the new technology was also high, with 99.2% of respondents opting to keep digital television. Furthermore, the new technology was embraced by all ages, with the DCMS stating that some viewers over 90 years old had taken to using digital recording technology.

Commenting on the findings, culture secretary Tessa Jowell said: “This report confirms what we suspected – digital television is a product people want. We want everyone to benefit from the improved choices and services that people in Ferryside and Llansteffan now enjoy. To do this we must switch off the analogue signal. That’s why we’ve made a clear commitment to achieving digital switchover between 2008-2012.”

She continued: “The newly-created SwitchCo will co-ordinate the UK’s switchover to digital television and ensure that the public knows what is happening and what they need to do at every step.”

DCMS: 020 7211 6200 www.dcms.gov.uk

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