
Trinity Mirror Ad Revenue Declines

Trinity Mirror Ad Revenue Declines

Trinity Mirror’s advertising revenue for the first four months of the year fell by 3%, excluding digital acquisitions.

The publisher’s regionals division saw advertising revenues decrease by 2.3%. Excluding the acquired digital businesses, the Regionals division advertising revenues for the first four months fell by 3.3%.

Advertising revenues for its nationals division fell by 4.0%.The Scottish nationals achieved a strong advertising revenue performance with growth of 0.9% with the UK nationals advertising revenues falling by 5.8%.

Digital revenues for Trinity Mirror’s regionals division, including organic and acquired businesses, achieved underlying growth of 24.8%. Its nationals division also achieved strong growth, of 30.7% for the period.

Sir Ian Gibson, chairman, said: “We continue to make encouraging progress on the disposal of our Regional businesses in the Midlands and London and the South East, and the Sports division and expect to complete these transactions as planned during the second and third quarters.”

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