
Trinity Mirror Staff Face Nation-wide Job Cuts

Trinity Mirror Staff Face Nation-wide Job Cuts

Trinity Mirror Logo Reports this morning claim a new round of job cuts is being undertaken by newspaper giant Trinity Mirror, with around 750 workers facing redundancy from its regional and national titles.

The claims, made by the Independent this morning, assert that Trinity is seeking personnel cuts of between 5% and 7% across its 11,000 strong workforce. Around 150 editorial staff are expected to lose their jobs in the latest round of cutbacks.

Trinity’s national newspaper business includes flagship title the Daily Mirror, while its regional titles span the country, including both large daily titles such as the Birmingham Evening Mail, and smaller weekly titles running on a skeleton editorial staff of one or two.

The publisher warned employees that it was considering job cuts across the company in October, blaming concerns over advertising revenues and issuing an internal memo explaining: “We are reviewing a number of possible actions to support our business, which may include redundancies” (see Trinity Mulling Job Cuts Across Portfolio).

Elsewhere, Trinity has continued its spate of online acquisitions, acquiring Paldonsay Ltd, the parent company of High Street Direct and owner of SecsintheCity.com, for £3.3 million earlier this week (see Trinity Continues Online Recruitment Acquisitions). The move gives Trinity control of the leading internet recruitment site for secretarial and administrative jobs and follows a similar acquisition in September (see Trinity Buys Online Recruitment Site).

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