
TV Market Round-Up – January 2001

TV Market Round-Up – January 2001


Industry estimates of January 2001’s TV revenue figures did not bring much good news for the terrestrial channels, which saw a year on year fall of 6.9% overall. The largest drop was seen at ITV, down 9.8% on January 2000. Channel 4 managed a tiny 0.1% increase, while Channel 5 decreased 4.2%. Only GMTV, which suffered during December, managed an increase, adding 15.8% year on year.

Satellite once again saw the most positive increases, seeing a year on year rise in total revenues of 12.4%. However, this is not as generous an increase as previous months have seen, and is around half the percentage change year on year seen in December 2000.

Just over half of the ITV franchises saw year on year falls in revenue, although no dramatic movement was seen either way. The largest increase was seen at Carlton, which increased its share by 1.2 percentage points, giving it the largest share of revenue for the month. Second in line was Central, having added just 0.1 percentage point year on year.

The other London franchise, LWT, saw the largest drop in share of revenue, reducing by 1.1 percentage points. However, its share was still among the highest.

Costs Per Thousand

A drop in terrestrial revenues (see above) and a strong performance in terms of commercial impacts (see below) was responsible for almost universal falls in costs per thousand during January.

ITV saw the biggest drops, including ABC1 Adults, which dropped 16.7% and Men which dropped 15.1%. Channel 5 also saw some dramatic year on year decreases, such as 13.5% for Housewives. Channel 4 saw the only increase, just 0.1% for Men, but otherwise followed a similar pattern to the other channels.

Commercial Impacts

January saw impressive year on year increases in commercial impacts across the board. As usual the largest gains were seen in satellite television, where ABC1 Adults climbed 28.8% and Housewives 21.5%.

ITV also saw an increase in ABC1 Adults, up 8.2% and also Men, up 6.1%. Channel 4 added 9.1% in Housewives with Children and Channel 5 saw a 10.8% increase in Housewives. All this goes some way to explain the dramatic year on year decreases seen this month in costs per thousand.

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