
TV Market Round-Up – January 2005

TV Market Round-Up – January 2005

Channel 4 performed admirably throughout January, marking an excellent start to the year for the broadcaster with a 16.5% increase in revenues year on year, pushing its total to more than £55 million. Channel 4 recently announced that the beginning of the year had brought its best January in five years, with the broadcaster’s audience share reaching 10.3%, an achievement echoed by the company’s expanding revenues (see Channel 4 Sees Best January In Years After Audience Boost).

Five also performed well in January, increasing revenues by 14.9% year on year to just over £21 million. The company’s impressive rise in revenues surpassed that of ITV, which saw an increase of 12.1% in the same period. ITV remains the highest earning terrestrial broadcaster, with revenues approaching £130 million.

GMTV also saw a rise in revenues at the beginning of the year, but struggled to break the 1% mark, adding 0.7% year on year. The breakfast broadcaster recently announced the departure of iconic presenter Eamonn Holmes who has presented in the early morning slot since GMTV’s launch in 1993 (see Holmes Quits GMTV After More Than A Decade).

Satellite revenues also increased in January, adding 18.5% year on year to surpass the combined rises of terrestrial broadcasters, which added 13.3% in the same period.

Total Television Revenue – Jan 2005
Total Revenue Jan 04 Jan 05 % Change
ITV1 115,740,000 129,770,000 12.1
C4 47,500,000 55,330,000 16.5
Five 18,650,000 21,430,000 14.9
GMTV 4,200,000 4,230,000 0.7
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 186,090,000 210,760,000 13.3
Total Satellite 48,800,000 57,850,000 18.5
Source: Agency Estimates      

ITV Franchises

Revenue shares amongst ITV’s francises remained fairly stable throughout January, with none of the broadcaster’s regional operations breaking the 1% point change mark in either increase or decline. London based LWT put in the largest increase, adding 0.5% points to contribute 12.28% of ITV’s total revenue, while fellow london operator, Carlton, added 0.3% points in the same period, accounting for 15.3% of the broadcaster’s total.

Scotland saw the largest downturn in comparison to other ITV franchises, although minor overall, losing 0.3% points year on year to contribute 6.53 of ITV’s total.

December ITV Franchise Revenue Share Comparison
Station Jan 04 Jan 05 % Point Change
Scotland 6.85 6.53 -0.3
Anglia TV 7.71 7.56 -0.2
Carlton 14.98 15.30 0.3
LWT 11.76 12.28 0.5
Central 15.82 15.62 -0.2
North West/Border 9.88 10.22 0.3
Meridian 12.45 12.23 -0.2
West Country 2.07 1.97 -0.1
Ulster (UTV) 2.43 2.30 -0.1
HTV 5.51 5.64 0.1
Yorkshire/North East 10.52 10.35 -0.2

Costs Per Thousand

ITV saw the most dramatic change in its costs per thousand during January, with double digit percentage increases across the board. The largest rise came in the Housewives with Children category, in which ITV rose by 45.1% year on year. Five also saw a substantial rise in the category, adding 8.1% in the same period, while Channel 4 saw its cost drop by 10.2%.

The decline was the only cost reduction in any category by any broadcaster in January, with both ITV and Five seeing rises in all categories. Five saw its largest increase in the Men category, rising by 18.6%. January saw the broadcaster looking likely to acquire the rights to screen cricket highlights after satellite giant BSkyB applied for consent from Ofcom to broadcast exclusive live coverage of matches played in England in 2006-2009 (see Five Set To Scoop Cricket Highlight Broadcast Rights).

  ITV1 % Ch YoY Channel 4 % Ch YoY Five % Ch YoY
Adults 6.36 24.8 6.31 6.8 3.83 13.5
Men 17 27 15 5.4 9 18.6
Women 10 23.5 11 7.9 6.62 9.8
Hwvs 10 22.8 10 7.8 5.9 11.8
Hwvs/Ch 48 45.1 38 -10.2 27 8.1
ABC1 Adults 17 26.8 13.57 7.5 11 10.4

Commercial Impacts

ITV saw sharp declines in its commercial impacts during January, with the largest downturn occuring in the Housewives with Children category, down 22.7% year on year. The broadcaster also saw impacts dip by double figures in its Men and Adults categories, shedding 11.7% and 10.2% year on year.

Five also saw a decline in the Men category, losing 3.1% year on year while Channel 4 was the only terrestrial broadcaster to see increases across the board. In contrast to ITV’s performance over the same period Channel 4 notched up an increase of 29.8% in the Housewives with Children category, and also enjoyed growth of 10.6% in the Men sector.

Satellite impacts continued to grow across the board at the beginning of the year, with Men leading the way at 20.8% up year on year.

Commercial Impacts
  ITV1 Impacts % Ch YoY C4 Impacts % Ch YoY C5 Impacts % Ch YoY Satellite Impacts % Ch YoY
Adults 24743 -10.2 10,630 9.0 6,777 1.3 20,029 18.5
Men 9350 -11.7 4,464 10.6 2,853 -3.1 9,820 20.8
Women 15394 -9.2 6,166 7.9 3,925 4.7 10,209 16.4
Hwvs 16310 -8.7 6,661 8.1 4,405 2.8 10,935 16.1
Hwvs/Ch 3301 -22.7 1,765 29.8 978 6.3 4,015 17.5
ABC1 Adults 9273 -11.6 4,942 8.3 2,295 4.1 8,949 26.1

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