
TV Market Round-Up – June 2009

TV Market Round-Up – June 2009

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The downturn in television revenue continues, with all terrestrial channels recording double digit year on year percentage falls. The worst hit was the youngest terrestrial broadcaster Five, which dropped 23.5% on June 2008’s total to stand at £15.95 million.

The next biggest fall was seen by network broadcaster ITV1, which slumped from £97.3 million last year to £75.83 million this year (a 22.1% decrease).

Elsewhere, Channel 4 saw its monthly revenue fall by 18% on last year’s figures. It took in £41.59 million during June 2009, down from £50.69 million the previous year. The recently published Digital Britain report (see Digital Britain report published) welcomed the ongoing discussions between Channel 4 and BBC Worldwide, which would look to secure the long term funding gap for the commercial channel.

Total Satellite’s revenue also decreased in June, down 5.6% year on year to £76.48 million. It has been an eventful month in the satellite market with Ofcom’s ruling against Sky, which will force the Murdoch-owned broadcaster to share premium content, as well as the collapse of sports channel Setanta (see Setanta enters administration).

Total Revenue Jun 08 Jun 09 % Change
ITV1 97,300,000 75,830,000 -22.1
C4 50,690,000 41,590,000 -18.0
Five 20,840,000 15,950,000 -23.5
GMTV 4,240,000 3,800,000 -10.4
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 173,070,000 137,170,000 -20.7
Total Satellite 81,020,000 76,480,000 -5.6
Source: Agency Estimates

ITV Franchises

Central has retained the biggest share of ITV1 revenue, according to our agency estimates. The Midlands franchise area accounted for 15.91% of the network’s revenue, increasing by 0.19 percentage points year on year

Carlton holds onto second place with 15.18% – however, the London weekday franchise area was down 0.35 percentage points on June 2008.

Westcountry provided the smallest share of ITV1’s revenue, with 2.12% of the network’s total income (up 0.05 percentage points on last year’s figures).

% Share of ITV Revenue by Franchise Jun 08 Jun 09 % Point Change
Scotland 7.07 6.55 -0.52
Anglia TV 7.44 7.64 0.20
Carlton 15.53 15.18 -0.35
LWT 11.47 11.35 -0.12
Central 15.72 15.91 0.19
North West/Border 9.50 10.22 0.72
Meridian 11.75 11.89 0.14
West Country 2.07 2.12 0.05
Ulster (UTV) 3.20 2.77 -0.43
HTV 6.20 6.33 0.13
Yorkshire/North East 10.04 10.04 0.00

Costs Per Thousand

ITV’s cost per thousands were cheaper across the board among MediaTel’s featured audiences for June 2009. Housewives with Children had the greatest percentage decrease, down by 24.9% year on year (to cost £45.06).

Channel 4 also had across the board reductions for our featured audiences. Once again Housewives with Children fell the most in price, down by 8.6% to cost £35.16.

All of Five’s CPT price fell for our featured audiences. The biggest decrease was among the Male audience, now costing £8.65 – 32.8% cheaper compared to June 2008.

CPTs Adults Men Women Hwvs Hwvs/Ch ABC1 Adults
ITV1 5.61 15.63 8.74 8.19 45.06 16.10
% Ch YoY -19.5 -10.6 -24.5 -23.2 -24.9 -16.3
Channel 4 6.40 16.43 10.49 9.77 35.16 15.02
% Ch YoY -4.7 -6.4 -3.7 -6.0 -8.6 -6.0
Five 3.51 8.65 5.92 5.24 25.46 10.37
% Ch YoY -29.2 -32.8 -26.6 -27.9 -29.3 -26.5

Commercial Impacts

ITV1 had a tough month in terms of our featured audiences among commercial impacts, with half increasing and the other half decreasing. The best performance came from the Housewives with Children audience, up by 3.8% on June 2008’s total. Meanwhile, Men recorded the biggest fall, down by 12.8% year on year.

Channel 4’s commercial impacts dropped across the board. The worst affected audience was Women, down by 14.8% year on year.

However, Five’s commercial impacts bucked the trend among terrestrial broadcasters, with all featured audiences improving on previous year’s total. The audience that increased its commercial impacts the most was Men, up by 13.9% year on year.

Total Broadcast also saw all featured audiences for commercial impacts increase year on year. The biggest increase was seen within the Women audience, up 4.3% on June 2008’s total.

Impacts Adults Men Women Hwvs Hwvs/Ch ABC1 Adults
ITV1 15,912 5,706 10,206 10,889 1,980 5,540
% Ch YoY -3.2 -12.8 3.2 1.5 3.8 -6.9
C4 7,642 2,977 4,665 5,006 1,392 3,258
% Ch YoY -13.9 -12.3 -14.8 -12.7 -10.2 -12.7
Five 5,341 2,170 3,171 3,578 737 1,809
% Ch YoY 8.0 13.9 4.3 6.1 8.3 4.1
Satellite 30,034 14,071 15,963 17,348 5,363 12,692
% Ch YoY 10.9 14.9 7.7 9.6 7.9 11.8
Total Broadcast 23,879 60,420 9,793 25,325 35,096 37,943
% Ch YoY 2.3 2.7 4.3 3.2 2.3 3.3

BARB: www.barb.co.uk

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