
TV Market Round-Up – March 2000

TV Market Round-Up – March 2000

Revenue Total terrestrial television revenue (including GMTV) rose by 9.9% year on year, according to agency estimates. Of this, ITV’s revenue rose 9.3%, Channel 4’s grew by 10.8% and Channel 5 saw revenue rise by 15.5%. Revenue at breakfast franchise GMTV grew 3.2% and total satellite was up 14.1% year on year.

Amongst the ITV franchise, London’s Carlton last month took the largest slice of the money, with a 17.5% share, up 1.0% points on March 1999. Central, which dropped 0.4% points, came in second with a 16.5% share.

Commercial Impacts March was a poor month for the ITV Network, as impacts fell significantly across all audience categories. The key ABC1 Adults audience saw commercial impacts drop back by 11.9%. Meanwhile, channels 4 and 5, along with satellite television, all saw their audience impacts increase across the board, with the one exception of Housewives/Children on C5, which dropped slightly.

Costs Per Thousand ITV costs per thousand rose for all audience categories last month, with ABC1 Adults up 24.0%; Housewives/Children rose the most on the Network, up by 27.6%.

Channel 4 saw smaller increases in costs, the greatest being for Women (up 10.6%), although ABC1 Adults was up just 1.6%. Men became slightly cheaper on Channel 5, down by 3.4%, but all other audience categories saw CPTs rise year on year.

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