
TV Market Round-Up – March 2001

TV Market Round-Up – March 2001


The total TV revenue saw a year on year fall of 3.6% during March. The largest loss was at ITV, which dropped 8.2% , compared to the same period last year.

Channel 4 performed the best of the terrestrial channels, with an 8.9% increase in the year on year analysis. Non-terrestrials also continue to do well, adding 18.8% to their total revenue compared to March 2000.

Among the ITV franchises, the most significant increases in revenue share were seen at Meridian and Anglia. Carlton continued to command the largest slice of revenue, despite seeing a year on year drop of 0.3 percentage points.

Costs Per Thousand

ITV and Channel 5 both saw year on year decreases in Cost Per Thousands (CPTs) during March. For ITV the largest drops were Men and ABC1 Adults, while with Channel 5 it was Housewives with children.

Channel 4 saw increases in all categories except Housewives with children and ABC1 Adults. The largest increase was in Men.

Commercial Impacts

Commercial impacts on both terrestrial and non-terrestrial channels saw an almost universal increase in a March year on year analysis. The only exception to the rule was ITV’s Housewives with children, which dropped 2.6%.

Satellite saw double figure percentage increases in all but Housewives with children and ABC1 Adults, while other notable increases among the terrestrial channels were Channel 4’s 12.9% increase in ABC1 Adults and Channel 5’s 20.3% increase in Housewives with children.

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