
UBM Feels Tech Advertising Slump

UBM Feels Tech Advertising Slump

United Business Media (UBM) has this morning described how the worsening hi-tech advertising market is affecting its CMP Media publishing division.

During April advertising page volumes across the market were 25.6% lower than the previous year; against this CMP’s titles recorded a 14.8% decrease. The group has also increased its market share year on year, from 25.0% to 28.6%.

In the year to April, CMP recorded a cumulative 6.9% decrease in advertising page volumes. The market as a whole declined by 19.0%, including a 41.4% decrease for the General Business/New Economy subsector, said UBM.

However, some titles have started to show a slight improvement. Information Week and Electronic Buyers News were down 29.2% and 2.2% respectively in April, comparing favourably with 31.0% and 21.5% declines during March.

As a result of the downturn, analysts at ABN Amro expected CMP’s full year profits to be some 40% down on the previous year. Hi-tech advertising accounts for around 30% UBM’s profits.

Even though UBM stock is trading at a per-earnings discount to peer groups like VNU, Reed Elsevier and Pearson, the continued effect of the ad slowdown justifies this, says ABN.

At 9:45am today shares in UBM were up 13½ at 718½p.

ABN Amro: Reduce

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