
UEFA Champions League goes social

UEFA Champions League goes social

The 2012 UEFA Champions League final between Chelsea and Bayern Munich last weekend generated more than 7.5 million social interactions, including 2.5 million Facebook likes.

The game is thought to have attracted an audience of over 150 million, with a global live reach of over 300 million.

UEFA pushed its digital campaign across Google+, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Foursquare and launched a free Android smartphone application.

The key UEFA figures include:

  • More than 300,000 viewers of the Ultimate Champions match streamed live for the first time on UEFA.com, YouTube and Google+, raising the UEFA.com newly launched channel views to 400,000
  • 4.8 million tweets with reference to the final, the teams and the players
  • 52,000 new Facebook likes, bringing the total of fans on the dedicated UEFA Champions League Facebook page to 2.5 million
  • Over 103,000 new Google+ circles were created on the new UEFA.com Google+ channel, which played host to six hangouts during the UEFA Champions Festival
  • 12 million watched it on TV in the UK

Click here to read The Wall article, which includes UEFA’s infographic.

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