
UK Adspend To Rise 3.2%

UK Adspend To Rise 3.2%

Advertising expenditure in the UK is expected to rise by 3.2% this year, at current prices, with outdoor & transport and the internet leading the growth.

These figures are published today in the Advertising Association’s (AA) Advertising Forecast, researched and compiled by the World Advertising Research Center (WARC).

The media covered in the report include national and regional newspapers, consumer and business magazines, television, radio, outdoor & transport, cinema, internet and direct mail.

Annual Change In Advertising Expenditure By Type And Medium 
  Current Price % Change 2008 v 2007
By Type   
Total(1) 3.2
Display(2) 1.2
Classified(3) 8.2
By Medium   
TV(4) 0.8
Radio 1.4
Outdoor & Transport 5.0
National Newspapers -1.0
Colour Supplements -0.3
Regional Newspapers -2.0
Consumer Magazines(5) -1.2
Bus & Prof Magazines -0.8
Cinema 1.6
Internet 21.3
Direct Mail -2.5
Notes: Classified recruitment figures for national and regional newspapers exclude online advertising paid for separately to a print campaign – this is included in internet advertising expenditure
1. Includes agency commission but excludes production costs and directories
2. Includes internet display
3. Includes internet classified (recruitment, other classified and paid-for search advertising).
4. TV figures include GMTV, Channels 4 and 5 and multichannel
5. Excluding colour supplements
Source: Advertising Association’s Advertising Forecast, Volume 33 Number 1

A recent report from eMarketer said that advertisers will spend £3.4 billion online in 2008, a rise of 27% from the year before, according to new online ad spending figures released by eMarketer.

Internet advertising should hold its own in the UK, and may even consolidate gains over other media during the economic decline, according to the UK Online Advertising: Reaching Maturity report (see Online Adspend To Rise 27% In 2008).

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