
UK Adspend Tops

UK Adspend Tops

UK adspend broke the £17bn barrier for the first time ever during 2000, according newly released statistics from the Advertising Association. During what turned out to be the ninth consecutive year of growth for the industry, adspend increased by £1,594m from the 1999 total, an accelerated growth rate of 10%, or more than 7% in real terms.

The fastest growing sectors included the smaller markets of outdoor and the internet. Spending on the internet rose from £51m during 1999 to £151m during the year which saw the “dotcom boom”, close to a three-fold increase. Spending on outdoor advertising also saw impressive growth, rising from £649m to £823m year on year.

Growth continued in varying amounts across all sectors, for which the year was for the most part a good one, until the rumours of a downturn began. The largest share of advertising spend continued to go to TV, where total spending was almost twice as high as the nearest contender, the regional newspapers.

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