
UK Broadband Usage Doubles In Six Months

UK Broadband Usage Doubles In Six Months

Broadband internet has established itself as a firm favourite in the UK, as 41% of web surfers now opt for a high-speed connection when going online.

According to new research from global market research group, NOP World, the growing popularity of the internet in the UK, which now reaches 58% of the population (26.8 million), has helped drive broadband to nearly double its penetration in only six months, growing from 27% to 52%.

However, the growing number of users online will not come as good news to everyone, as NOP World predicts a drop in television’s viewing audience as a result.

Speaking of this, Michael Beech said: “The online and offline behaviour of broadband users is significantly different from the general population. We are seeking a knock-on impact through many off-line activities for broadband users, such as a decrease in TV viewing – this shift in behaviour has implications for marketing departments and their targeting strategies.

Year-on-year, broadband has grown at a rate of 105%, with four out-of-ten internet users choosing to connect to the internet via this method.

It seems that women are now the biggest force behind the upsurge of internet usage as more females flock online, catching up with men. According to NOP World, women now account for 48% of web surfers, up from 46% six months ago.

According to research from media intelligence group, Mintel, internet penetration is set to rival the wrist watch, as penetration levels look set to reach 75% of UK adults, with broadband acting as a key contributory factor in the phenomenal rise of the internet (see UK Internet Penetration Could Rival The Wristwatch).

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