
UK Business Media Industry Worth £27bn

UK Business Media Industry Worth £27bn

New research from the Periodical Publishers Association places a value – at a conservative estimate – of around £27 billion on the UK business media industry for 2007.

The report says that for 2008, total revenue for UK business media is expected to be in excess of this figure, although only marginally so, given the general caution prevailing in the light of the current global economic outlook.

The PPA research saw GfK NOP combine survey and secondary data to produce a new estimate during 2007 based on financial data for the year 2006.

Over the next five years, more than a third (35%) of companies expect to be further exploring the online sector.

Broadcasting is the next most popular sector for companies to consider further market development. Almost a third of companies felt they might expand their activities to embrace this channel.

At the same time, one in four companies are considering moving into face-to-face events, exhibitions, conferences and awards between now and 2012.

Less than one in six is considering diversifying into the more mature areas of print, marketing services and data publishing.

The recent Long Term Advertising Expenditure Forecast, compiled by the World Advertising Research Center on behalf of the Advertising Association, forecast that UK advertising expenditure could grow by as much as 37.9% in real terms by 2019 (see UK Adspend Could Grow 38% By 2019).

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