
UK Home Net Access Grows 50% In Q4, Says Continental

UK Home Net Access Grows 50% In Q4, Says Continental

Home internet access in the UK has grown by 50% over the last twelve months, adding a further 5 million users, according to the Internet Q4 2001 report released by Continental Research this week.

There are currently 15.4 million people accessing the internet from home – around a third of UK adults. A year ago, just 22% – or 10.3 million people – had home web access. Continental says that as users have become more familiar with using the internet to search for and buy goods and services, often by being introduced to it by other family members, so usage has steadily grown.

Whilst the growth rate year on year is still healthy, a recent report by Oftel found that for the three months to August this year, uptake was virtually flat at 39% of homes (see Forecasts).

The Continental Research survey also found that use of the Net at home amongst the C2DE demographic – which has traditionally been low – is now on the increase. C2DE users now represent nearly one-third (31%) of all home users, compared to 22% last year, according to the survey. The Oftel survey also revealed a gradual rise in internet usage by this group.

The demographic also shifted substantially towards women, with 42% now using the Net at home, compared with 38% for the July-October period in 2000. Amongst the age groups there has been little shift, apart from a slight decline in usage by the 45-54 group, from 20% to 18%.

UK Home Internet Usage In Profile 
  % of UK population  % of home Internet users 
    Jul-Oct 2000  Jul-Oct 2001 
Male 49% 62% 58%
Female 51% 38% 42%
15-24 15% 21% 21%
25-34 19% 23% 23%
35-44 18% 24% 25%
45-54 16% 20% 18%
55-64 12% 8% 9%
65 + 20% 4% 4%
AB 22% 44% 34%
C1 28% 33% 35%
C2 22% 13% 19%
DE 28% 9% 12%
Source: Continental Research, 11.11.01 

Internet usage at the workplace has remained fairly static, at around 22% people. Continental says that usage from work is checked by the fact that one-third of the population, by virtue of neither working nor studying, are not eligible for this criterion. Additionally, many people are in blue-collar professions, where opportunity to access the Internet is significantly lower. This further emphasises the importance of online access at schools to ensure children in blue-collar households have exposure to the Internet, says the report.

Home, work and school internet usage amongst UK individuals 
  Jul –Oct 99  Jul -Oct 00  Jul -Oct 01 
Total Home Users 16% 22% 33%
Total Work/School Users 14% 17% 22%
Total Home/Work/School Users 22% 29% 38%
Source: Contiental Research, 11.11.01 

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