
UK Is Europe’s Slowest Growing Major Ad Market

UK Is Europe’s Slowest Growing Major Ad Market

The UK is Europe’s slowest-growing major ad market in 2006 and, were it not for the internet, would also be in 2007, according to a new report from Group M.

Group M also predicts internet advertising will comprise 18% of media investment in 2007, v regional newspapers 18% and national newspapers 12%.

It adds that direct response advertisers are already encountering hotspots of demand on the internet where they now find returns can be poorer than for old-fashioned direct mail.

The report says that brand advertisers, who have previously comprised a small minority of internet activity, are earmarking large sums to invest online which could be in the order of £200 million or £300 million of new internet money in 2007/8, up from about £100 million in 2006.

It adds that even if internet growth steps down a gear or two as the baton passes from direct response to brand, it could still easily occupy 25% of UK ad budgets by 2010 and TV is the most vulnerable to brand substitution.

In October, Merrill Lynch downgraded its global ad forecast, saying that it expects 1.3% ad growth in the UK this year, a slowdown from last year’s 2.5% growth (see Merrill Lynch Lowers Global Ad Forecast).

£ Million, Net Except Where Stated  2005  2006f  2007f 
TV 3,569 3,404 3,431
Interactive TV 16 20 26
Mobile 20 30 50
Radio 471 461 466
National Newspapers 1,641 1,604 1,571
Regional Newspapers 2,548 2,356 2,277
Consumer Magazines 697 709 710
B2B Magazines 900 895 902
Outdoor 717 742 784
Cinema (Includes Production) 160 167 172
Internet 1,161 1,615 2,200
Media Total  11,902  12,003  12,590 
YoY % Change  2005  2006f  2007f 
TV 3.2 -4.6 0.8
Interactive TV n/a 25.0 30.0
Mobile n/a 50.0 66.7
Radio 1.9 -2.1 1.1
National Newspapers -2.1 -2.3 -2.1
Regional Newspapers -4.3 -7.5 -3.3
Consumer Magazines 0.1 1.6 0.2
B2B Magazines -2.1 -0.6 0.8
Outdoor 5.8 3.5 5.7
Cinema (Includes Production) -2.1 4.8 3.0
Internet 65.6 39.1 36.2
Media Total  4.2  0.9  4.9 

Source: Group M

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