
UK Online Research Market To Double In 2004

UK Online Research Market To Double In 2004

The online research market in the UK will more than double in 2004 and rake-in a massive £160 million over the year, according to a marketing information agency.

The report Online Surveys and Research – A Buyer’s Guide, published by E-Consultancy, says the UK will be using the web to conduct research as frequently as the US within the next two years. Currently the US carries out about 40% of research work using the web.

E-Consultancy said at the moment, the UK conducts around 10% of its market data research collection using the internet but the British Market Research Association have taken a much more pessimistic view with an estimate of between 3% – 5%.

Many research companies have already put their information online for subscribers to access. Global director of Online Development, NOP World, Mike Cooke said: “We are experiencing 100% growth in online research. Our healthcare sector is now mainly an online business.”

Broadband looks set to be further driver in this sector, the report says ‘there are many areas where online will see huge growth as the medium of choice for research. In particular, the opportunites presented by online as a visual research medium will create opportunites across the board. Advertising, concept testing, branding and new product development work will be key growth areas.’

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