
UK public ‘rely on newsbrands most’ for climate change info

UK public ‘rely on newsbrands most’ for climate change info

Two-thirds of people in the UK rely on news brands for information about climate change, a survey has shown.

Newsworks research that polled 2,000 people about the threat of climate change found 80% of respondents believe established media like news brands, radio and TV is driving awareness of climate change well ahead of environmental organisations, government and social media.

The survey found that over 50% of people agreed that there is a worrying amount of misinformation about climate change on social media.

Meanwhile, just over two-thirds (69%) said that they looked to UK news brands to tackle misleading information.

Other key findings:

  • 40% people think the climate emergency is only a moderate to minor threat
  • Almost a third of all respondents know people in their lives who are aware of climate change but remained unconcerned about it
  • 90% of people said they have made some kind of lifestyle change in the last three years, recycling being the most popular
  • One third of people surveyed are unsure what practical steps they can take
  • 43% think there is insufficient information about the impact of global warming and climate change

The survey was carried out by OnePoll and released by Newsworks as part of Journalism Matters Week.

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