
UK To Spend £2.6 Billion On Online Advertising In 2007

UK To Spend £2.6 Billion On Online Advertising In 2007

This year, Britain is set to account for over half of all online ad spending in Western Europe, rising to a 52.6% market share in 2010, according to new research from eMarketer.

Steady economic growth, further advances in broadband, mobile internet access and associated ad-serving technology will help fuel this growth, according to the UK Online Advertising.

Coming off 47% growth in 2006, online ad spending in the UK will rise from £2.6 billion in 2007 to £4.5 billion in 2011.

UK Online Advertising Spending, 2006-2011 (Billions And % Increase V Prior Year) 
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Online Ad Spending £2.02 £2.64 £3.24 £3.73 £4.11 £4.45
% Growth 46.80% 31.00% 22.80% 15.20% 10.30% 8.50%
Note: Converted at average annual exchange rates (projected for future years); includes paid search
Source: eMarketer

Online advertising is expected to represent 18% of all UK advertising spending in 2007 – more than double the percentage in the US or in any other European country.

The continuing shift of substantial advertising budgets to digital platforms will see online ad spending grow 31% in 2007 and more than 10% per year for the rest of the decade.

A recent forecast from ZenithOptimedia said that global internet adspend will overtake radio in 2008, a year earlier than it forecast in December (see Internet Adspend To Overtake Radio).

Meanwhile, data from the Internet Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers published in March revealed that UK internet advertising expenditure grew 41% in 2006, breaking the £2 billion barrier (see UK Internet Advertising Spend Grows 41%).

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