
UK Users Offered Broadband At 16 Times Standard Speed

UK Users Offered Broadband At 16 Times Standard Speed

UK Online has launched a broadband service that is 16 times faster than the average high-speed package, which will allow services such as video-on-demand and broadband television to become a reality in many homes.

The 8 megabyte broadband connection will be available to 4.4 million UK households and will bring ‘groundbreaking speed at a groundbreaking price’, says UK Online.

Homes that adopt the high-speed connection will be able to download MP3s within seconds, see online gaming move up a gear and watch streamed videos as if its real television for the first time.

UK Online said: “The UK has lagged behind countries such as France, South Korea and the USA where fast services of 6Mb or over have been available for some time. With this launch, UK Online puts Britain firmly at the forefront of the digital revolution.”

Broadband internet in the UK has already established itself as a firm favourite, as 41% of web surfers now opt for a high-speed connection when going online.

Earlier this month the European Internet Advertising Association released research stating that internet now accounts for 20% of total media consumption in Europe, as the amount of time people spend online continues to increase rapidly (see Internet Now Accounts For 20% Of Media Consumption).

UK Online: www.ukonline.net

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