
UKOM comScore MMX – May 2015

UKOM comScore MMX – May 2015

According to UKOM data recently released by comScore MMX, the UK’s desktop-only online population continued to steady at 45.1 million unique visitors in the month of May.

While there has been little change in the past few months, the figure represents the highest amount of desktop-only visitors since May 2014, when it peaked at an online population of 45.3 million people.



May 2015 saw the online population in a 51:49 gender divide with men making up 23 million visitors and women accounting for 22.1 million of all UK users.

comScore subscribers can see further breakdowns in the Monthly online users by demographic report.

Top Web Properties

Google remained the dominant brand for UK online users in May 2015, with Google Sites attracting 39.4 million desktop users, translating to a minute month on month increase of 115,000 people.

The online property, which includes its various search sub channels, boasted an 87% reach across all those accessing the net through their desktop computer.

Trailing behind, with over 7.5 million fewer visitors, was Microsoft Sites, a property made up of everything from Bing to Outlook.com and Skype. In total, 31.7 million visitors accessed the bevy of Microsoft-owned destinations, translating to a 70.3% share.

Both BBC Sites and Mode Media witnessed the biggest month on month percentage increase, growing by 7.3% each May. BBC Sites, a global network of entertainment and educational channels, brought in 24.8 million visitors, while Mode Media, a company which owns many female-focused sites, was visited by 12.2 million people.


Top Web Properties – May 2015
UK Rank Site May 15 (000s) Apr 15 (000s) Change (000s) % Change
1 Google Sites 39,374 39,259 115 0.3
5 Microsoft Sites 31,734 31,290 444 1.4
6 Facebook 30,146 30,463 -317 -1.0
9 RUBICONPROJECT.COM 29,352 28,153 1,199 4.3
11 BBC Sites 24,817 23,130 1,687 7.3
13 Amazon Sites 23,424 22,577 847 3.8
15 Yahoo Sites 21,797 22,431 -634 -2.8
16 eBay 21,756 20,780 976 4.7
26 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 17,605 16,604 1,001 6.0
39 Mode Media 12,196 11,365 831 7.3
comScore MMX (desktop only) approved by UKOM

Top Social Media Properties

Unsurprisingly, Facebook remained the top social media property, with channels and media titles such as WhatsApp, Messenger.com and Instagram.com helping the number one social network secure 30.1 million visitors in May.

Month on month, Facebook actually fell by a small -1% (down by 317,000 visitors) after celebrating a big month in April which brought in 30.5 million desktop users, resulting in a 67% reach.

Coming in second place – but a lot further behind – was microblogging site Twitter.com which had 20.5 million fewer visitors than Facebook in May. While Facebook was the sixth overall most popular property on the web, Twitter.com only ranked 51st, thanks to the 9.7 million users who visited the site.

Quiz creating site Playbuzz.com witnessed the largest percentage change in May, up by 533,000 visitors which translates to a 33% jump.


Top Social Media Properties – May 2015
UK Rank Site May 15 (000s) Apr 15 (000s) Change (000s) % Change
6 Facebook 30,146 30,463 -317 -1.0
51 TWITTER.COM 9,671 9,124 547 6.0
68 Linkedin 8,438 8,926 -488 -5.5
155 PINTEREST.COM 4,706 4,698 8 0.2
163 WORDPRESS.COM 4,496 4,493 3 0.1
371 IMGUR.COM 2,414 2,231 183 8.2
375 STACKEXCHANGE.COM 2,398 2,318 80 3.5
392 Gawker Media 2,300 2,309 -9 -0.4
430 PLAYBUZZ.COM 2,131 1,598 533 33.4
490 Technorati Media 1,891 1,708 183 10.7
comScore MMX (desktop only) approved by UKOM

Top Retails Sites

May’s top ten retail sites, including the main property’s subgroups and channels, saw three entries from Amazon, with the main property attracting 23.4 million visitors over the month, helping it remain the UK’s favourite online retailer.

While not as popular overall, digital auction brand eBay managed to better its main competitor by having four entries in the top ten, with the top level property netting 21.8 million users and a 48% active reach.

Home Retail Group, the parent company of Argos and Homebase.co.uk, grew its user base to a little over 9 million, while Argos itself secured 8.1 million visitors throughout the month.

Most impressively though, all of the top ten retail sites experienced a surge of popularity in May, with Tesco Stores increasing its traffic by 9%, resulting in a total of 8.7 million visitors.



Top Retail Sites – May 2015
UK Rank Site May 15 (000s) Apr 15 (000s) Change (000s) % Change
13 Amazon Sites (P) 23,424 22,577 847 3.8
16 eBay (P) 21,756 20,780 976 4.7
17 Amazon (M) 21,387 20,298 1,089 5.4
18 AMAZON.CO.UK (C) 20,366 19,342 1,024 5.3
22 eBay Sites (M) 19,680 18,831 849 4.5
23 eBay UK (C) 19,076 18,287 789 4.3
24 EBAY.CO.UK (SC) 19,049 18,238 811 4.4
62 Home Retail Group 9,089 8,614 475 5.5
65 Tesco Stores (P) 8,711 7,994 717 9.0
72 Argos (M) 8,129 7,827 302 3.9
comScore MMX (desktop only) approved by UKOM
Note: [P] Property – [M] Media Title – [C] Channel – [SC] Subchannel – [G] Group – [SG] Subgroup

Further breakdowns and reports can found in Mediatel’s Online database.

comScore is the industry’s leading online media planning solution and is endorsed by UKOM as the UK standard for online audience measurement. To learn more about services and to gain access to the full set of data, please click here to contact comScore.

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