
Unicast Chief Condemns Internet’s Pop-Under Ads

Unicast Chief Condemns Internet’s Pop-Under Ads

In a call for the internet advertising industry to re-think the use of so-called ‘pop-under’ ads, Unicast CEO Richard Hopple today asked the industry to re-think its use of the generally condemned format, saying that the short-term revenue gains generated by their use, will be more than offset by the continuing negative perception of online advertising by internet users.

“Just at a time when the internet advertising industry is starting to see some very valid and worthwhile experimentation in online ad formats, and just as the medium is becoming more and more cognisant of the fact that the user should be top-of-mind, along comes a format which is causing almost universal outcry from consumers,” Hopple noted. “Simply put, it’s just bad advertising.

“The entire model is flawed. Because it is so offensive to users, pop-under ads aren’t good for advertisers and despite the temptation of short-term revenue, consequently not good for publishers.”

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