
United Business Media Delivers Positive Trading Statement

United Business Media Delivers Positive Trading Statement

United Business Media (UBM) delivered a positive trading statement yesterday for the second half of 2004, showing particularly strong performance in new product investments.

Revenue from publications and events businesses in Asia and the UK is ahead of the same period last year. UK classified revenues are in line with last year, with increased levels of investment to develop online functionality and to boost circulation figures.

Healthcare publishing and technology online have both shown strong growth, as well as technology events and custom marketing solutions. Overall technology revenues were down, despite UBM’s market share of technology publishing growing in the latter part of 2004.

UBM has increased the level of investment in new media channels to offer multi-channel marketing solutions in the second half of 2004 and will continue the trend into 2005.

PR Newswire continues to grow strongly with the year on year volumes of newswire increasing in the second half of 2004, reaching wider distribution areas. Intelligence products have performed particularly well and business outside of the US is expected to achieve their break even target in 2004.

The overall revenues at NOP World are growing in line with the market and the second half of the year saw their syndicated and continuous businesses again delivering a strong performance, with Eurisko doing well.

UBM is accelerating a major programme of off shoring and outsourcing, resulting in an expected improvement in operating margins over the next two years.

The acquisitions made by the company in 2003 and 2004, including Oncology Group, Cliggott Publishing, CMPMedia and Eurisko are all performing well and are on track to generate the returns targeted. During 2004 UBM increased their new product investment and this trend looks set to continue into 2005.

Five continues to do well, delivering year on year increases in its share of advertising and audience figures, increasing the broadcaster’s share of market on the fastest growing platform, Freeview, by 9.5%, compared with 9.2% for Channel Four and 17.5% for ITV.

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