
US Advertising Forecasts From Jack Myers Report

US Advertising Forecasts From Jack Myers Report

Stronger than expected TV upfronts have encouraged Jack Myers to issue a slightly more positive forecast for advertising growth in 2002. However, the recovery is predicted to be slow and protracted.

Jack Myers Report calculates that US adspend will total $155.6 million this year, an increase of 1% on the 2001 total. Spot TV is set to undergo 8% growth and the radio industry can also expect a boost in revenues. However, the press and online sectors are still embedded in recession.

Myers forecasts overall growth of 2.3% for 2003 and 4.6% for 2004. Despite its depressed state, newspaper advertising will continue to account for over a quarter of all revenues.

US Advertising Spend, Share And Growth Forecasts, By Medium 
  2002  2003  2004 
Media  % Growth  $ (million)  % Share  % Growth  $ (million)  % Share  % Growth  $ (million)  % Share 
Newspapers -2.0 43,414 27.9 0.0 43,414 27.3 3.0 44,716 26.9
Broadcast Networks 1.0 16,281 10.5 3.0 16,770 10.5 4.0 17,440 10.5
Local & National Spot TV 8.0 20,601 13.2 3.0 21,219 13.3 7.0 22,704 13.6
Broadcast Syndication 6.0 2,719 1.7 4.0 2,828 1.8 3.0 2,912 1.7
Radio 3.5 19,044 12.2 3.0 19,615 12.3 6.0 20,792 12.5
Yellow Pages 3.0 13,977 9.0 1.0 14,117 8.9 0.0 14,117 8.5
Magazines -5.0 15,402 9.9 2.0 15,710 9.9 3.0 16,182 9.7
Network Cable TV 2.5 10,824 7.0 8.0 11,690 7.3 6.0 12,391 7.4
Local/Regional Cable TV 10.0 4,221 2.7 12.0 4,727 3.0 14.0 5,389 3.2
Online -8.0 3,956 2.5 -3.0 3,837 2.4 15.0 4,413 2.7
Outdoor 1.0 5,186 3.3 1.0 5,238 3.3 3.0 5,395 3.2
Total  1.0  155,626  100.0  2.3  159,166  100.0  4.6  166,453  100.0 
Source: Jack Myers Report, October 2002 

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