
US Advertising Market Experiencing Healthy Growth For 2004

US Advertising Market Experiencing Healthy Growth For 2004

Total US advertising expenditure for the first nine months of 2004 grew by 10.3% to $102.4 billion, compared to the same period in 2003, according to TNS Media Intelligence/CMR.

“Throughout 2004, the advertising market has experienced steady, helathy growth with increases in all three quarters,” said Steven Fredericks, president and CEO of TNSMI/CMR. “As we forecasted earlier in the year, third quarter spending fo rth eOlympics and political season elevated volume of overall dollars brought into the advertising market.”

Virtually all the media measured experienced growth throughout the first nine months of the year, with nearly half the media showing double-digit percentage growth year-on-year, with the internet continuing its steady rise, up 25.8% to $5.5 billion. Local newspapers led with total dollar spending at $17.7 billion, an increase of 6.6%. Outdoor, National Syndication, Cable TV, Local and Consumer Magazines also exhibited strong year-on-year growth.

(Jan-Sept. 2004 Vs Jan-Sept. 2003)
Medium  YoY Growth (%) 
Cable TV 16.1
Consumer Magazines 10
Sunday Magazines 8
Internet 25.8
Network TV 14
National Newspapers 9.7
Local Newspapers 6.6
Outdoor 17.6
Network Radio 2.6
Local Radio 1.9
National Spot Radio -2.6
Hispanic Media 5.4
Spot TV 9.4
Outdoor 17.6
Syndication 17.3
Total  10.3 
Source: TNS/CMR, November 2004 

Total television advertising revenue for the 2004 Summer Olympics reached $1.55 billion, an increase of $255 million compared to the 2000 Sydney Games, demonstrating the value advertisers place on featuring in high-profile, must-see events such as the Olympics. The majority of Olympic advertising spend was accounted for by Network TV, with $1.17 billion of the total.

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