
US B2B Press Advertising Shows Little Growth In 2003

US B2B Press Advertising Shows Little Growth In 2003

US business to business (B2B) publishing advertising revenues remained flat year on year during 2003, whilst advertising page volumes were still in decline, according to the latest data from American Business Media (ABM).

The figures showing advertising revenues closing the year at $7.3 billion, up 0.7% on 2002, whilst ad pages were down by 3.2%. However, the final quarter of the year was positive, as revenues rose 3.6% and pages were up 1.2%.

“The first quarter of 2003 posted a solid 4.2% growth in ad revenues, but the next three quarters were weaker than we expected,” said Gordon Hughes, president of ABM.

ABM is forecasting 2% to 4% revenue growth for 2004, with most of the growth taking place in the second half of the year.

US Business To Business Adspend By Sector, December 2003 
  Dec-03  Full Year 2003 
  Revenue ($000)  Year On Year Change  Revenue ($000)  Year On Year Change 
Finance, Business & Advertising 121,769 20.5% 1,297,088 20.0%
Telecommunications 15,209 1.8% 173,083 -1.7%
Computers 38,995 -35.1% 449,619 -16.9%
Software 50,183 -13.4% 632,646 -9.0%
Manufacturing & Elec. Equip.,Mat’s & Components 36,894 -16.4% 557,706 -7.3%
Drugs & Toiletries/PERQ 66,926 15.1% 864,025 3.9%
Horticulture & Farming 12,911 9.7% 156,892 2.3%
Services, Direct Response, Classified 114,908 14.3% 1,412,647 11.4%
Retail 53,307 25.3% 573,680 10.3%
Home & Building 42,405 9.3% 529,681 3.6%
Automotive 24,077 -2.6% 282,486 13.1%
Travel 25,082 -7.7% 347,749 -5.1%
Total  602,666  3.6%  7,277,300  0.7% 
Source: American Business Media, March 2004 

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