US company to microchip employees

Are we taking a step closer to becoming cyborgs? We’re certainly getting much more intimate with technology after a company in the US announced it will install microchips in its employees.
The chips, which will be placed in the hands of employees at tech company Three Square Market, will allow them to open doors, use photocopiers, log into computers, unlock phones, share business cards and act as a payment method for lunch.
The programme is entirely optional but among the 85 employees at the company’s head office, 50 have volunteered.
32M’s CEO, Todd Westby, believes that chip technology will eventually be standardised and allow people to use it as passports, public transport and for purchasing opportunities.
“As a leader in micro market technology, it is important that 32M continues leading the way with advancements such as chip implants,” he said.
32M partnered with the Swedish company BioHax, which has been using microchip technology for the past three years and inspired the firm to follow suit.
“Europe is far more advanced in chip technology usage than the US,” said Patrick McMullan, 32M COO.
“But the international market place is wide-open and we believe that the future trajectory of total market share is going to be driven by who captures this arena first.”
Employees will be chipped at the 32M inaugural “chip party” on 1 August.