
US Ecommerce Forecasts From eMarketer

US Ecommerce Forecasts From eMarketer

US online retail will hit $88.1 billion by 2005, whilst total US business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce revenues will hit $133.3 billion by this time, according to a new report from eMarketer.

The report predicts that by 2005, 66.7% of the population aged 14-plus will be online and 78.0% of these will be using the web for shopping. Each online buyer will spend an average of $928 per year by this time, up from $564 in 2000.
US Internet Users And Retail Forecasts 
  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Internet users (million)             
Total internet users 124.0 142.8 152.8 162.0 168.0 171.4
Internet users aged 14+ 102.9 120.0 131.4 139.3 144.5 155.3
Online penetration of population aged 14+ 46.5% 53.8% 58.2% 61.1% 62.7% 66.7%
Shoppers (million)             
% of internet users aged 14+ 65.0% 67.0% 71.0% 73.0% 75.0% 78.0%
Shoppers aged 14+ 66.9 80.4 93.3 101.7 108.4 121.1
Buyers (million)             
% of internet users aged 14+ 48.5% 53.2% 55.8% 58.3% 59.9% 61.8%
Buyers aged 14+ 49.9 63.8 73.3 81.2 86.5 94.9
Average annual spend per buyer $563.99 $538.78 $621.06 $677.76 $838.87 $928.00
Online retail sales (million)             
Retail revenues $28,152 $34,382 $45,540 $55,034 $72,599 $88,103
Online travel revenues $13,400 $17,200 $24,800 $31,900 $37,100 $45,200
Total B2C ecommerce revenues  $41,552  $51,582  $70,340  $86,934  $109,699  $133,303 
Source: eMarketer, October 2003 

The holiday boon The report also predicts that US consumers will spend almost $18 billion buying good and services online in the final quarter of the year – a rise of 29.1% year on year.

The holiday season has historically been a peak period for online retail, with Q4 sales having grown from just $5.4 billion in 1999 to $13.8 billion in 2002.

This year ecommerce is expected to hit $17.8 billion for the period. By comparison, Q3 sales totalled $12.4 billion, according to figures from BizRate (see Consumer Online Spending Grows In Third Quarter).

US Q4 Online Retail Sales 
  Sales (million)  YoY Growth (%) 
1999 $5,393
2000 $9,248 71.5
2001 $10,788 16.7
2002 $13,770 27.6
2003F $17,776 29.1
Source: eMarketer, October 2003 

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