
US Female Net Population Outstrips All User Growth

US Female Net Population Outstrips All User Growth

The female US internet user population grew at a faster rate than the overall Net population in December last year, according to new data from Nielsen//NetRatings released last week.

The report shows that the number of female users rose by 9.1% year on year for the month, whilst the overall online population, with home access, grew by 6.3%. Female users accounted for 52%, or 55 million of internet users, with males making up a further 49.8 million users, up 3.3% year on year.
Gender breakdown of US home internet population, December 2001 (million) 
  December-00  December-01  % Growth 
Female 50.4 55.0 9.1
Male 48.2 49.8 3.3
Total active universe 98.6 104.8 6.3
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, December 2001 

Whilst females have made up the majority of US Net users since last year, it is still males that spend the longest time online. In December, men spent 24% more time using the web, at an average of 11 hours across the month; women clocked up an average of 9 hours online.

“Men spent more time online, logged on more often, and accessed more content than women, despite being out-numbered by the female internet population by more than 5.2 million surfers,” said Dawn Brozek, senior internet analyst, NetRatings. “Generally speaking, women shoulder a majority of the household responsibilities and therefore, face a ‘time poverty’ at home, with less leisure time than men to spend on activities such as surfing the internet.”

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