
US Firms Turning To DSL And Cable Broadband

US Firms Turning To DSL And Cable Broadband

Over 95% of business broadband subscribers in the US connect to the internet via DSL or cable modems, according to a report from In-Stat/MDR.

The company stated that in-ground broadband services are expected to retain their hold on the business community with total subscribers set to increase from 4.8 million last year to 15 million at the end of 2006.

A significant proportion (71%) of business broadband users are at-home workers. They tend to rely on cable modems, which are more widely available in residential areas. However, DSL services are predicted to enjoy greater uptake in commercial locations and take over from traditional circuit-switch high-speed services such as private lines and frame relay.

There are now in excess of 18 million residential broadband users in North America (see North American Broadband Population Set To Top 20 Million) but small businesses are regarded as a more lucrative source of revenue for DSL and cable modem service providers. However, targeting these customers requires perseverance and investment and according to the study “could make or break providers ability to compete in the broadband arena in general.”

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