
US Internet Penetration Shows Strong Growth

US Internet Penetration Shows Strong Growth

Nielsen//NetRatings reports in its Internet Ratings Report for July 2001 that Internet growth in US homes grew by 63% in the past two years. The US online population increased by 16% in the period from July 2000 to July 2001. Growth for the period 1999 to 2000 was 41%.

“Despite a troubled economy and slumping PC sales, adoption of the Internet continues to grow at double-digit annual rates,” said Sean Kaldor, vice president of analytical services, NetRatings. “The Web long-ago captured early adopters and is now reaching the latter half of mainstream America. Going forward, Internet growth is being driven by late adopters and by more aggressive use from the enormous existing Internet population.”

“Compared to other communications and media technology, Internet adoption has reached nearly three out of five homes almost overnight,” added Kaldor. “While PC and Internet penetration have far exceeded many other types of consumer devices, there is still ample room to grow before reaching the 98% penetration levels of telephones and TVs.”

Internet Penetration (US households) 
Month Internet Universe Census Population Internet Penetration
  (000) (000)  
July, 1999 106,370 272,691 39%
July, 2000 143,959 275,130 52%
July, 2001 165,181 284,870 58%
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings

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