
US Internet Use Grows Across All Geographic And Demographic Groups

US Internet Use Grows Across All Geographic And Demographic Groups

New research from the US Department of Commerce reveals that internet use amongst the American population is increasing across all demographic groups and geographic regions. The report A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use Of The Internet found that the US online population is growing as computer use in schools and workplaces becomes more prevalent. Currently there are two million new internet users every month in the US.

A Nation Online: US Internet Statistics (Sep 2001) 
% of population using the internet 54
% of population using computers 66
% of 5-17 year olds using computers 90
% of 14-17 year olds using the internet 75
% of 10-13 year olds using the internet 65
% of families with children under 18 using the internet 62
% of families with no children using the internet 53
% of non-family households using the internet 35
Source: US Dept of Commerce, Feb 2002
This growth covers all economic and social groups, computer use in schools has helped to narrow the gap in use between children from low and high income families. Between December 1998 and September 2001, internet use amongst the lowest income bracket (those earning less than $15,000 per year) increased by 25% each year. Though the number of people online amongst the higher earnings bracket ($75,000+ per year) remained greater, growth in internet use amongst this group slowed to an annual growth rate of just 11%.

During the same period growth in internet use amongst those living in rural areas achieved an annual growth rate of 24% and internet use in rural areas has now come into line with the national average (53% and 54% respectively). The highest rate of growth in internet use between 1998 and 2001 was amongst single mothers (29%).

Although 80% of Americans continue to use dial-up services in order to access the net, the use of residential broadband services is expanding rapidly. Between August 1998 and September 2001 the use of these services doubled. Broadband is now the preferred means of connection amongst 11% of all individuals and 20% of all net users (up from 5% and 11% respectively).

45% of the American population now uses email, an increase from 35% in 2000. 36% use the internet to search for product and service information, up from 26% in 2000, and 39% of all internet users are now making purchases online. 35% of the population searches for health information online.

The report concluded that increased internet use at work has boosted internet use in the home. Computer ownership at home amongst those who use a PC at work is around 77% of the population compared to around 35% of those who do not use a computer at work.

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