
US Internet Users Hit Plateau

US Internet Users Hit Plateau

New research from Mediamark has revealed that the number of adults using the internet in the US has slowed down and hit a plateau of 63%.

Based on a survey conducted over 30 days at 26,000 homes, the data research company found that although 79.5% of adults have access to the internet either at home or work, only 63% are regularly using an online service.

Mediamark said that although the internet is still growing, it’s slowed from a sprint to a crawl and further penetration will require the ‘unconnected’ and ‘resistors’ to be converted to using the net.

Andy Arthur, client services at MRI said: “Suggesting a long-term plateau in growth, our data shows there is an entrenched group of non-connected adults and a die-hard group of resistors that promise to hold out for the foreseeable future.”

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