
US Internet Video Users To Reach 157 Million

US Internet Video Users To Reach 157 Million

There will be 157 million US Internet video users in 2010, up from 107.7 million this year, according to a new report from eMarketer.

The Internet Video Audience report analyses not only who’s watching video content online, but also what they watch and how they watch it.

The report says that after virtually controlling video viewing, content and timing for half a century, advertisers are having to face up to a new reality.

Recent research from the American Advertising Federation said that most leading ad executives in the US expect a significant proportion of broadcast and cable TV ad dollars to shift to online video by 2010 (see US TV Ad Dollars Expected To Shift Online).

Meanwhile, recent figures from TNS Worldpanel Entertainment said that the public demand for video downloading in Britain lags behind the industry’s recent developments (see Demand For Video Downloading Lags Behind Industry Developments).

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