
US Magazines Revenue Decline Slows In March

US Magazines Revenue Decline Slows In March

Total magazine advertising revenue for the month of March closed at $1.4 billion, a 1.7% decrease on last year, according to the latest data from the Publishers Information Bureau (PIB).

Advertising pages for March were 19,350 – down 10.0% from last year. Year-to-date (January-March) advertising revenue decreased 6.3%, closing at $3.3 billion and ad pages were 46,624, down 14.1% over last year.
Magazine Advertising Totals By Category, March 2002 
  Mar 2001 v Mar 2002  Jan – Mar 2001 v Jan – Mar 2002 
Sector  Change (revenue)  Change (pages)  Change (revenue)  Change (pages) 
Automotive 16.9% 11.1% -3.1% -6.2%
Apparel & Accessories -13.4% -17.4% -16.3% -21.0%
Food & Food Products 21.2% 4.2% 13.2% -0.5%
Drugs & Remedies 10.2% 5.7% 6.4% 2.1%
Direct Response Companies 10.0% -0.9% 2.3% -5.4%
Toiletries & Cosmetics -8.7% -14.3% -2.5% -10.1%
Retail -1.6% -11.5% -11.2% -16.8%
Technology -12.8% -24.9% -25.6% -33.9%
Household Furnishings & Supplies -12.6% -20.0% -3.7% -12.0%
Media & Advertising 3.7% -2.5% -5.1% -11.2%
Financial, Insurance & Real Estate -23.5% -29.4% -23.0% -29.6%
Public Transportation, Hotels & Resorts -19.0% -17.0% -24.1% -18.9%
Total  -1.7%  -10.0%  -6.3%  -14.1% 
Source: PIB, April 2002 

“Overall, the March declines are not as dramatic as those in recent months,” noted Ellen Oppenheim, executive vice president of the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA). “We hope that this signals the beginning of an advertising uptick,” she added.

For comparison, February’s figures are available US Magazines Revenues Dip 8.2% In February.

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